Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Tools for all occasions

At home writing today, and this is my few minute break.. I'm not going to write much except to say that without the band Tool, I don't know if I would ever finish wrting this bloody thing! They just released a new album, which I bought pretty quick, and listened to it for about a week and a half straight. It's not there best as I think that Aenima is, but there are definitely some golden moments on it. 11 minute songs seem a bit long, and ya, they kind of are. but songs like Right in Two and Wings pt 2, and Vicarious are masterpieces. They are not really a happy go-lucky band but man they friggen rock...

I would also loke to extend a warm welcome to my other readers!!! My aunts Marsha and Cheryl, my uncle Jimmy... Whose links will be added to the link section sometime soon... Welcome to my Blog!!!

Well that's about all I have time for, I've got to get back to writing 1) Thesis 2) part of a chapter for a book, 3) paper for re-submission, 4) presentation for a potential thesis marker... And I think that I am missing something...

As a side note, I will warn everyone that this Blog may take a turn down in mood and content as each of those listed articles is due pretty bloody quick and take a long time to do... So I will be running at very high stress levels and like to use this site as a form of venting from time to time.

But you're family, and that was the purpose of me creating this site (you'll notice an improvement in content once I found out people were looking at it...).

Back to work now, lunch is done!!! Posted by Picasa


NanNan said...

I'm not familiar with Tool, but I'm going to go to Pandora and look them up- No harm in venting- otherwise this space would be just another wasted effort if you couldn't blow off steam- we're all just one big dysfunctional family-so feel free to vent, now that your readership has increased by 800%- who knows where this could lead- book deals, movies, soap operas, just don't divulge any trade secrets- love mama

Fireguy said...

It's great you find the time to blog despite your busy schedule. Nice to keep in touch.
Regards - Jim

Tuffysmom said...

We put the 'fun' in dysfunctional Mike. But, as I always tell Michelle," please don't write the book till I'm gone". If you have been reading my blogs, you probably know why I call it Couch Potato!! TV is my life.
By the way, I noticed your new haircut...I like it a lot!