Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Kitchen continues

Note: This is not the first time I am posting this, but the second, now third, and if it doesn't work, well... I guess you'll never really know will you...

But anyway, so the story continues because this is my site.

Friday we began to tile. The first issue we noted was that the hill in our kitchen was actually there because of our cheap chip-board (particle board maybe?) floor had a hill in it. So to overcome this mountainous problem, (pun intended) we just used a heap of cement (the rubberized version for wood surfaces, properly primed etc ... for those who care to notice).

So now, the hill's all but gone!! You can still see it if you look for it, but I am beyond caring now. So it's gone.

Now that that has been dealt with, the next issue was the fact that these tiles appeared to be off-cuts or seconds or some other thing like that. How do you know you ask.... Because of the lack of "precision" in them... There were tiles that were like 2-3 mm off from the others. While initially this might not seem like a problem, but it adds up to the point where my beautiful straight lines lost their beautiful straight ........ linedness. But, because I am strong willed, I made them fit!! And now their all down (See pic below). Once I got on a roll, I just laid the tiles down adjusting here and there, and Ross cut some tiles and blah blah blah.

Sunday came and this was the last day that Ross could spend helping me, so we just cut and laid more tiles.Monday morning came and all I had to do to finish tiling was to cut and lay about 25 tiles (some requiring tricky angle grinder maneouvering). Which I completed and then smiled. I even did a little bit of grouting (not shown).

Now I know that Jim would probably be thinking, "This guy is months away from becoming a Dr!! Man does he need to learn alot before that bridge is crossed... All he had to do was...." Next time, Marsha, airfare will be supplied.

But anyway that's about it, I feel like it's a bit of a let down though. I mean all this build up, and that's it....

How can I make this better...

OK, On Sat, Ross started cutting tiles, very shortly after beginning, he felt... unwell. But the next day he medicated himself and felt much better. (Remember this for another 5 or so lines or whatever). On Monday, I had to cut some tiles (I mentioned this earlier if you read it). Minutes after I started, my nose started to run and I began to feel unwell.... Coincidence?!?

So, at first I thought that there might be something in the tile dust that arose upon angle grinding that, while making me initially stuffy and crappy, would result in me being genetically altered with X-men - like superpowers... But then I looked at the tile box to see where they were made, and it turns out, they were only made in Indonsia <- insert my sad face here.

So what you ask, and rightly so.

Me and Indonesia have our disagreements, firstly, I have a personal ban on ever going there and knowingly supporting their economy. Reason, I am still mad at them over Shapelle Corby. (Google her and you'll see she was wrongly imprisoned for life because she had drugs planted in her bags... It was obvious). So I am mad at them for convicting a girl who's innocence was proven, and also over their reaction to Australia giving some Papua New Guineans (I believe) temporary protection VISAs. They got all upset at us, saying how could you do this and all that when they have convicted for 20 or 25 years a late 20 year old woman who will now never have children.

Relation between the tiles, my sickness, and Indonesia: They're out to get me.

That's it.

Ross was an innocent bystandard in Indonesia's attempt to teach me a lesson.

Through tile dust. You laugh, disagree, or just scoff, but it's true. When I disappear in the next few days without a trace, you'll at least know the truth. I was kidnapped and silenced for exposing the truth about the Indonesia's tile making biological warfare delivery agents.

I have to go, someone's coming. Posted by Picasa


NanNan said...

OMG- They found you!!! Nice tiling job from where I sit- funny story- unless you succumb to their chemical attempts to quiet you- they really don't know who they're dealing with- strong willed?? The mother of all mule stubborness- wonder where that came from- and if you're doling out airfare, throw some our way, dad can tile too, probably not as good as Jim- hope he doesn't read this, or I may disappear too-- love you mike, cute pic of Alex- looks so much like you -

Tuffysmom said...

Why thank you Mike...Jim would be pleased! hehehehe..Although to get him to fly to Australia would require rendering him totally unconscious and paralyzed, laying on a gurney with several IV tubes inserted in various places. I sincerely hope the Indonesians don't get you. Love, Aunt Marsha