Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Bothered by the Masses ... Revisited

Ya I know, 2 posts in one day, maybe the end of the world is coming!!!!

But no.

I thought that a response to my earlier post entitled: "Bothered by the Masses" deserved its' own spot for those who care to read.

Firstly, props must go to AussiesNan who posted a well thought out and well-written response on her blog (http://aussiesnan.blogspot.com/2006/06/commentary-to-michael.html). I will officially acknowledge this as likely the best possible answer to a rant brought on by a slew of different protests which have garnered the equivalent of "I am in power, so I know best" responses from those in authority.

Public protests have furthered society, some for improvement, and some for our detriment. But in general, I concede, we are better for them. One thing that I think I was right on though, was possibly the requirement for organization in protests. I think that "random" public protest may be a venue for the eventual creation of organized groups pushing for a change in some aspect of society, and maybe the nature of the issue is important as well. If it is an issue such as equality of men and women, slavery, etc, than the issue will persist until resolved. Meaning that the number of protests will not die down, certain people will become involved to such a degree that they form an organization to help promote their views, and then they (eventually) get power to change things, be it either the ear of specific representatives, like minded organizations, private corporations (preferably with $$ to donate) etc.

But if it is an issue like the "Troops out of Iraq" the ramifications of protests may be proportionally related to the length of the troops stay in Iraq (and the number of casualities). I guess the effects of these protests may be felt the next time there is a similar situation, and may manifest itself in the government's willingness to take part, and to the level of participation.

So, officially, I change the bulk of my views on this. Thank you for responding to this subject, I was curious as to what response I would get. And I learned something... Jeez, almost 30 and I still learned something from my Mommy.... What a crazy world we live in!!!


NanNan said...

Yikes- almost 30!! How did that happen? Agree wholeheartedly with your revised viewpoint- Is the news about Canadian terrorists being arrested getting any play in Australia?

mikki said...

Hi Mike! Just thought I'd stick my nose in here - I am almost 40 (yikes!!) and I am still learning some things from my mommy. What's neat, is that she is now learning some things from me, too. Like, the fact that truffle hogs really do exist, and they do find truffles :o) Anyway, I'll take this opportunity to congratulate you guys on the impending baby (sounds like impending doom or something, doesn't it? hee hee)!
Lots of love :o)

Tuffysmom said...

Okay, I concede about the truffle hogs....but, I still do not believe in spontaneous human combustion! Sorry Mike, we're airing our private jokes on your blog.
Although I would like your views on Spontaneous Human Combustion.
Lots of love, your Aunt Marsha..

NanNan said...

Spontaneous Human Combustion? I'd just like to burn off a few calories- I have heard of it, but I've heard about aliens too, and some people still think the earth is flat- the jury's still out on SHC- i need to see the evidence-

kicking-and-singing said...

Mike, we may be nearly 30, but just remember, Angie already is*S*,
And as far as learning things from our parents, we are forever learning anyway,might as well keep learning things from them, look at what they learn from us.

NanNan said...

The masses are getting restless for a new post- well, your mother is anyway- you must be in the midst of tiling----