Maybe someone out there can tell me this. Why are so many women wearing those God awful cowboy boots lately? I have yet to see any that look good on anyone. I openly don't appreciate fashion, I do believe in some sort of colour cooridination, and that socks are not included in colour coordination (they should be chosen with another set of standards, I like bright ones!)
A few years ago when I was out with my brother-in-law Harry (Cypryit guy) shopping for a present for his wife, we looked at some Ugg boots in a shoe shop. While we were looking, a girl came up asking if we needed any help. We told her what we were doing or something, and she started talking like you could wear Ugg boots outside and all that... To which I promptly replied that "No, you could not". Or something to that effect, and she replied that alot of people do, to which I told her that that doesn't mean that it looks good. She had a shocked look on her face, didn't know what to say, and then left us alone. I wasn't being mean or anything, but of note, it has now gone out of fashion.
Didn't think so.
So I am hoping to do the same thing with these silly cowboy boots. You're not cowboys, or cowgirls for that matter. And I don't know any guys who like the look. They don't look comfy, and again, they look dumb. High heels, I understand. They are uncomfy, and I wouldn't recommend that any woman wear them, but they do make a ladies calves look nice, and they make her a bit taller, and go well with nice dresses. See, a purpose for their existence.
Cowboy boots? I guess maybe if you're out on the range taking a stroll in the cow fields you don't want to step in a pile and fall shin-deep in crap, so cowboy boots'll help you there. Also maybe for getting your horse to move faster maybe? There probably are more reasons for COWBOYS to wear them, and the real ones are probably more comfy too. But jeez....
Another thing, I just stumbled onto this site
You probably shouldn't go there if you like muffins. It'll scare the bejesus out of you!!!
There was probably more I needed to say, but I forget. Oh ya!!
Australia plays against Italy tomorrow morning at 1am in the World Cup!!! Guess who won't be getting up to watch it!?! I'll probably be up anyway as I have a meeting tonight. Funny how I actually miss going to LSA meetings... I missed the last 2 because of work and work, but I returen tonight. I feel slack. The community voted me in with the most votes, and I can't seem to devote the time and effort I wish I somehow had.
Anyway, to my loyal followers, I bid you "A Dieu"
PS: Hi Amanda and Harry and Andrea and Alexis and Lukey baby
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Cowboy boots? Maybe it has something to do with the popularity of Brokeback Mountain? Let's not go there- that's one fashion trend I won't be jumping aboard- but I did note you have been looking at ladies calves!!!!So maybe they achieved their purpose-- Muffin revenge??? Another thing to worry about-I've consumed troops of muffins- but you should be more worried about rat revenge !!!! love you mike, need some new pics of Alex-
If Amanda reads this, congratulation on your baby boy- perfect family!! Would love to see pictures of the growing kids, and you and Harry, of course-
Maybe they are trying to protect themselves from all those spiders and snakes and, land leeches...ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
As for me...I go barefoot whenever possible...I don't like to feel confined in any kind of the feet!!!
Great response tuffysmom- how could I have forgotten about land leeches-
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