Friday, September 29, 2006

Another Song

This song was actually written when I was back in Halifax... Acutally a few weeks before I left for BC, which eventually led me here to Australia. Well, I was living in the living room, out of a suitcase, with a futon for my bed in the apartment of 3 NSCAD (Nova Scotia College of Art and Design) girls. Honestly, I had a great time for the month or so I lived there!

Anyway though, I wrote this song while waiting for a ride to pick me up to go somewhere. ANd it just came out. I like the guitar bit, but honestly, it's not one of my favorite songs. My father-in-law seems to like it, so I thought I might post it.

It's another Baha'i influenced song, but I actually wrote the words. I just titled it a few minutes ago, I am thinking... "Desire" but I may change it later.... Nope. It's called "Desire".

Hope you like it.

Get music codes at Bolt.


Mandy said...

Wow , you are such a talented singer , songwriter , muscian .. You get the point . Again another beautiful song - Look forward to hearing more :-)

NanNan said...

Great song Mike--- and just a few months later, you met your heart's desire!! Glad to see you're getting use out of that 8track thingie--and that music is a central part of your life-- an outlet for your creativity-- thanks for posting it-- always wanting more---hey, that could be a song--- always wanting more--- love you!!!!

mikki said...

Hey, this one is nice too! If you send me my own copy, I'll be ever so happy :) Then send me more and more until I have a whole bunch, and I'll put them on a CD, so I can listen to them when the competition for the computer is too high. hehehehehe
Love to you!

Mike said...

I wish I could say that I have picked up my guitar in the past little while.... But it hasn't happened. Any free time goes to thesis writing!!! And ya, Mikki, I'll send you a copy within the next day or so...

kicking-and-singing said...

Hey Mike,
you are going to have to send me a copy of that, It sounded awesome...
I wish I had had the time to learn to play before I had moved...Mom was going to teach me but there was never it is I haven't even been singing lately, which is really kind of a downer for me, it always made me feel better, no matter what, on some level it always has helped me..and seems I can't find words...
anyway, I look forward to you posting more material...Love you lots.