Monday, September 18, 2006

The problem with plungers

Alright then, 2 posts kind of in 1 day.. I have been meaning to get this up for a little while, but I have been busy....

This is my boy Alex, as Optimus Prime. The cool thing is that he is now starting to like Transformers!!! Yay for me!! I loved Transformers as a kid, and I have been grooming him to like them as well. He has a few little ones since he is only 3, and the bigger ones are a bit harder to do... And too expensive! But he loves them. Coincidentally, I bought him a little Optimus Prime that I saw at the grocery store the day before his aunt Kim gave him this costume... So he knew who he was supposed to be!!! And he loves it!!! Yes, he likes Star Wars as well, and me and him have regular light saber battles, he likes to be the baddy though with the red light saber.. Good choice my boy, good choice!!

A little while ago was Father's Day as well. And this is me, waking up and opening my new pair of pants that I got along with a shirt and one of the best (and cheapest) presents I have ever received... It just goes to show that you can get a great gift for under 10 bucks easily!!! I don't have a picture, so I'll have to describe it...

Well, where to begin?

It's brown.

A handle on the side...

You guessed it!! It's an awesome coffee cup with no pictures or anything on it, just brown.

But it's what's inside that counts... I only drink plunger coffee at home now, since my office at work only serves freshly ground Irish Creme coffee (seriously, we love our coffee), an instant coffee has to be really good now... Anyway though, To make a plunger coffee, you usually have to dump some of the coffee into a purpose built plunger thing, wait a couple of minutes, plunge, pour the coffee and season to taste (ie milk and sugar, one level teaspoon though, I weaned myself off 2, to be healthier of course).

So, you ask: "Why are you so lazy so as to be complaining about this 5 minute job. I mean really, what's wrong with you."

Well I'll tell you what's wrong with me (I find it therapeutic to talk to, and about, myself in the third person while carrying on both sides of my own initiated conversations...don't argue, just accept and acquisce).

So, my problem is the couple of minute wait.. because I end up going into the computer room, typing, and loosing track of time, so my steeping coffee gets cold, and I get mad. Yes, I'm sensitive about things...Ask Rebecca about my finger-nail scissor incident tonight...Grrrrrrrrrrr Gr.

This cup though, has a PLUNGER BUILT IN!!!!!!! Awesome eh!! So you dump your coffee grinds in, sugar in, milk in, and then fill with boiling water. Bring the whole cup into the computer room and let it sit next to the laptop!! I no longer forget about it, and when I want it, I simply insert the plunger thingy-ma-bob and plunge away... Then drink of course!!!!

How cool is that!!!!

And how's this for a crap post!!!


mikki said...

Yay, a brown coffee cup with a plunger-thingy! heh heh heh And Alex looks darn good as Optimus Prime. What I am wondering, though, is: what was this "fairly (understatement) big night" all about (as quoted from previous blog)? Sounds like you had a good day, though. Cool! :o)

Gillian said...

I LOVE "plunger coffee" too... Another teacher from up here has one and it just has such rich flavour! YUM! That device sounds sooooo neat, you have to take a picture! I am curious how it works exactly?!


NanNan said...

Wow, plungers have taken on a whole new meaning---- i've only heard of the toilet variety, seems like quite a science to making a good cuppa, I do remember that we just couldn't seem to find a cup of coffee that satisfied us over there, being used to timmy's--
Cute pictures, he's growing up so fast--- like watching you grow up all over again, and how I wish I'd saved all those toys you and Chris had of transformers-- sold them at yard saled for next to nothing--- lesson to young parents-- save your kids toys, they want them again when they grow up, pretending it's for their own kids, but I think it's a bit of nostalgia for simpler times----- so save his toys--- love you guys

NanNan said...

Oh yeah, Happy Father's Day!!

kicking-and-singing said...

Hey Mike, How scary is it that i can remember playing transformers with you...I always wanted to be bumblebee...
I had one of those coffe decanter plunger things, they are friggin' awesome, but I gave it away before i moved here to Alberta..I do still have my microwave perculator and my microwave expresso maker that Burt got me.. I love them..hardy use them but love them wehn I do.