Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Love causes us to forget....

Nup, not going to get sentimental here. another time maybe, but not here.

Professing my love to Billy Talent (I know it's a band and not one person) made me forget about the pic of Alex (as requested...)

This is a pic of him on his 3rd birthday. Do the click to enlarge bit and look under his eye... Can anyone say "pick-axe"? And then say "Lifetime of guilt."

Gotta run.


Tuffysmom said...

Hi Mike...now I know of four of us who like Tim Burton. Possibly five, because I think Eric likes him too. Nice looking Lad you have there. And believe me, there will be more instances of "lifetime of guilt" to come. Hahahaha. Next time I talk to you, it will be from the Rock! Not the prison....the province - Nfld. Take care. Don't you dare visit N.S. while I am away.

NanNan said...

Another person i don't know- oops, band- but since you seem to be so obssessed with them, perhaps I should get to know them better-- can't see that pick-axe scar- he sure is growing, cuter than ever- wish i could hold him- love you mama

Fireguy said...

I hate to admit it, but I am not familiar with Billy Talent. Guess I listen to New Country more than anything.
That is a nice picture of Alex.
Take care.

kicking-and-singing said...

Mike..just a quick note to say hi and love ya, things are going well here in Alberta so far..can't see the scar under Alex's eye...but I'll trust you that it's there...lifetime of guilt..yup..most likely...but hey he won't rememeber it in a few years anyway right so...

NanNan said...

aedMike a pick axe is a little much but if we as dads didn't make a fiew af these oopses what would our little ones have to hold over our heads when they get older. Seemes to me I remember wondering if I should return a bloody nosed kid home to his mother after a sliding trip ended up at the outpatiens or if I should take the whole crew of them and leave the country. Man there was a lot of blood.
I know that most of my sons if they lift their chins you would see identical scars this after dads warning "don't stand up in the tub because you will fall and" well you know the rest.
My whole experience with kids, Split heads, eye full of blod, geting run over by oil trucks etc,etc. I thank God he made them of rubber.
We can feel bad but things will happen we just do our best tell them we love them every chance we get and Pray,Pray,Pray.
My list for prayers continue to grow. And that inclueds your next one(now you know to keep the pick axe away)