Friday, July 14, 2006


It seems that at least here in 'Oz, this issue is receiving far too little attention. One reason for this may be because we are physically so far away from it (not "Western" problem maybe)? But I think it's probably due to the complexity of the situation.

I wish I could say that I understood the politics and issues surrounding this, but I don't. What I know I have learned in the past few days from quick little internet searches. And even then, it's always more complex.

I don't think either side is right, nor do I think either side is wrong. It's a massive gray area with disastrous consequences. Israel is paranoid about the Arab/Palestinian attacks (Fatah, PLO, PNA, and the list goes on), and the Arab/Palestinians don't feel safe living close to Israel (including Lebanon, Syria, Egypt), as Israel has a history of attacking Gaza/West Bank and very intrusive settlement, and also a history of pre-emptive attacks.

A great site for a review on this issue is: It's quite comprehensive and aims to state only facts. I detected very little if any bias, unlike several comments posted on responses to news stories... Scary stuff posted...

Anyway though, this looks like the beginning of something VERY serious. Have you ever watched Star Wars: Episode I? In the very beginning Ewan McGregor (Obi Wan) mentions that he feels something working behind the scenes, something "elusive" (I paraphrase). It ends up being the "dark side" of the Force and results in galactic war and government overthrow. But you kind of get that feeling now with Israel, Lebannon (poor pawn here), Iran, Syria, and the US. The issue between Leb. and Israel will not involve the US, and probably shouldn't even involve Lebanon, as it was terrorists who've kidnapped Isreali soldiers, and the Leb. gov't doesn't appear to be at fault (even Saudi Arabia thinks this), also the US is not critisizing Israel's heavy military tactics (too hypocritical?) but saying that Israel has to defend herself (

And if rumors that the hostage soldiers (held in Lebanon) may be in transit to Iran are true, then things get worse. The US would likely jump at this opportunity to take out Iran, under the guise of Iran helping Hezbollah terrorists... and Iran has said that Israel better not attack Syria or it will be considered an attack on the "whole Islamic world that would bring a fierce response" (from the above link).

So, in the back or our head, we have the US's declared Libya, Cuba, Syria, Iran, Iraq, and North Korea Iraq has been "dealt with".

5 left.

North Korea is being dealt with within the confines of the UN with strong pressure from Japan.

4 left.

Israel - Lebanon war and the Israel - Gaza war may draw in Syria, which by Iran's own admission, will draw Iran in.

Only 2 left!!

Cuba and Libya. But considering the guise for which Iran would go to war with Israel saying that Israel has attacked Islam, would Libya join in? This is hard to gauge as Egypt is kind of in the way, and would Egypt get involved? Devil's advocate, ya sure, Libya will get involved, I mean how could they resist taking out the Israel? So now we have a war with a big chink of Arab states vs Israel... The US will become involved if this happens. I have no doubt in my mind.

This post is not designed to say that the US is hoping for this. I don't think anyone in their right mind wants this kind of escalation. But if this continues, and continues to escalate like it does each time I check Google news... May God have mercy.

Personally, I think that the only way out of this, is for the Lebanese (and Syrian) government(s) to force Hezbollah to release its hostages. This fixes short term problems and the potential for WWIII, but the process should continue at break-neck pace to establish something like what Bill Clinton suggested near the end of his Presidency. Israel and Palestine authorities NEED to trust eachother and work together and RECOGNIZE each's right to be. I know this is difficult considering Palestine's leader (Hamas) are a recognized terrorist group who's mandate to never recognize Israel... (Israel feels the same about them so they're equal on this front). But if they could agree to this, and work together to stop (minority) factions from suicide bombings and stop letting these bombings interupt the peace process, then maybe they could move forward.

The Jewish and Arabs lived together peacefully for years, but the culture of paranoia and stubborness have crept in and taken hold....

May God Have Mercy on us.


NanNan said...

It's a mess- but I don't see how the US has any credibility as a peace broker- anywhere--- and for sure they don't know how to deal with terrorist groups--- it almost seems like events are lining up to "bring it on", and maybe things have to get worse before they can get better- it is scary stuff- the world had a choice-- they made it!!

Fireguy said...

This is just the beginning - stay tuned...
If those prisoners end up in Iran, things will be much more dicey than they are now even.
Events are lining up to "bring it on"...they have been for awhile.

Anonymous said...

Mike; it is realy strange I remember on our(Canada) centennial year when I was 17 or 18 thinking the same thoughts as you are now. This has been going on for as long as I have been alive.
If you look at the maps of this area and think how great the odds are against Israel it's amazing to think of their resolve( and the utter disfunction of the Arab nations to wage any kind of a modern war(it,s hard to fight if you are aiming to die and become a marter)But if you defeat them yhey will never give up or forget . Then its the death of a thousand cuts. You kill one and a thousand more will rise up to marter themselves.
The only thing I am realy concerned about is the150,000 American troups setting between Seria and Iran(Axis of evel) the two contrie suplying the rockets flying at Isrial.
It is scary having this Man in a position of such great atourity and power involved in yhis critical situation.