Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Inspired by...

Well I was reading one of G's posts, and notived that she uploaded some music that I think she played and sang... I can not say for sure as when I tried to listen, I realized why I hate dial-up internet.... Too bloody long.. and yes, if Alex was here, he would have told me that that's a naughty word. And he's right, but he can't read yet, so let me re-iterate: dial-up is bloody bloody bloody bloody bloody (breathe in) bloody bloody slow.

Anyway though, I thought that I would try my hand at Bolt to upload something of my own! Soooo it's below. I wrote this awhile ago, it's a Baha'i prayer which I really like, put to music of my own creation. A while ago, I bought a multi-track recorder over e-bay, and this is one of my first attempts with it. I coupled it to N-track on my laptop to mix it and do all that stuff. But for those who are interested (Tammy maybe) It's got 2 acoustic guitar tracks, a bass track, 2 lead vocal tracks to provide a chorus effect and maybe 2 vocal harmony tracks because the best voice to harmonize with is always your own. Anyway, I played and wrote the whole thing and mixed it on the train to and from work over many days. I hope you enjoy it, and if you don't, keep it to yourself. I'm sensitive. And I was taught that if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Bloody is allowed though because I am still Canadian and it's not a bad word there. A happy day for loopholes.

As for music, I've had this cd for a while, it's Blink 182's last release which contains "I miss you". This cd is rapidly climbing my most listened to cd. It's soo much better than their early stuff, they have shown (or showed as they are no longer a band) heaps of growth to put this album together and there's even a song with Robert Smith! the lead singer from the Cure (another band which you should all know). The whole cd is great though. It's a great mix of great music. Well worth a listen, or many listens as the case may be. But as a disclaimer, I do not promote free downloading music, as it is illegal.

Anyway, I should run, a paper to send to people....

The name though, the song is called "O God, My God" aptly named after the 1st 4 words of the prayer itself. The words have been put to music by other Baha'i's with different music, and I think it was "Innvocation", great title I thought....

Anyway though, enjoy...

Upload music at Bolt.


mikki said...

Mike, that is beautiful! Is there any way you could send me my own copy, or somewhere I could download it? I already have another version of the same prayer on a CD, but it's nice to have different versions for different moods, no? And I must get Eric to read your blog - he might be interested in the mixer and software jargon :o)

That was nice - think I'll have another listen... Loves ya!

NanNan said...

Wow---I'm so impressed with the music and singing--- loved it-- could you do the same to the song you wrote for Chris-- I'd love to hear it !!!!love mom

Mike said...


ummm, I think that I should be able to e-mail it to you as an attachment. It's about a 3Mb file, and I think that if you have a gmail account, you should be able to get it. I can't remember what Hotmails attachment limit is, but I'm looking now. Anyway though, my e-mail address is so drop me a line with your address so you don't have to give it here. I've had my address for about 10 years now, and it's out there already....

Mom, I do have another song which I may put up soon, but not the one you want. I haven't had the opp to even think about it, and it's not mixed or anything, and not all the parts are written yet!!! So it'll be a bit of a wait for that one. Sorry.

NanNan said...

OKAY, I've learned anything worth having is worth waiting for--- love

Gillian said...

I guess I thought you were up to your neck in wirting and haven't checked your blog in a week or two!! Boy I didn;t know what I was missing... Great recording... I wish I could have posted mine but they just weren't working! At least it did inspire you to share your song! It's great... It's so neat how easy it is these days to record stuff!

Can't wait to hear some more of your tracks when you are finally done your studies and are a doctor!! LOL!

kicking-and-singing said...

Mike-you were right I was interested*L*..then again it's music, and if nothing eles that usually catches me..I listened to it and it sounds great...
have to get you to send me a copy too*H*Love you

Mandy said...

Wow , that is beautiful , you sounds great ! And the mix is awesome ! .