Thursday, February 01, 2007

Happy Birthday again

Ya, I know, another birthday post! But this is not my birthday. I just thought that I would wish my brother Chris a happy birthday. So Happy Birthday Chris!!! With a smile on my face in the good ol' older brother kind-of-way (ie lovingly): When I see you in my next life, I'm going to kick your a$$, just like when we were little! Ahh the memories.... You left too soon, have missed alot and are missed are even more. But I will always smile at your memory... Remember the apple fight with Jason and Jeremy out in Gavelton.... Got ya good that time! I probably never told you how much I enjoyed playing baseball with you in little-league, when our coaches wanted me to become a pitcher, but I sucked, and then we found out that were surprisingly good at it! I enjoyed being the catcher most when you were pitching...

Also remember that time you called me when I was in Victoria, BC? That was a really good phone call. Surprised the hell out of me, but it was a nice call... Thanks.

Look, I'm not going to drag this on... But happy birthday. You would have been 29 today instead of the immortal you are now. Chris was born 1 year and 3 days after me, so close that at least for me, my entire childhood life was intimately linked with him, just not my adult life. Thus the need for the aforementioned kick in the a$$. Also, I really would have liked for you to have met Rebecca, Alex, and Madison. But I guess that meeting will have to wait.

Geez, I'm ... blanking. Too much and too little to say. Guess that's part of why I can't seem to sign your guest book despite numerous failed attempts eh?

Happy Birthday Chris.
(Feb 2, 1978 - much too soon)


Funnyface said...

A wonderful post.Thank you for sharing your memories.

NanNan said...

Thanks Michael,,, I know how much he loves you and I'm sure he's watching over --- I had Austin today, my birthday present to Chris and his to me !!! Love you---I know what you mean about the intimate connection--- I'm so used to saying "MikeandChris" when talking about those days, it seems like one name----- Thanks for remembering,,, and sharing---

Trying to be a Healthy Mom said...

THanks for Sharing Mike that was so nice . I know that Chris talked about you a lot and how close you are and Im sure that he hears your birthday greeting , like I hope that he hears all of ours :)

kicking-and-singing said...

I know what you mean about the intimate conecction Mike, look at Angie, Burton and Myself, I was born on her first birthday and Burton was born 6 hours prior to my first birthday.
I cannot think of my brthday without their's as well.
Thank you for sharing the memories...Here's another..I remember one summer when I was staying with you guys and you and Chris had been horsing around and you knocked him in the head with something but good, your mom and dad weren't there so I grabbed a bad of frozen veggies and put it on his head...You guys were always doing stuff like that.
Lots of Love

NanNan said...

Hey, Mike, I didn't know about that one-- poor Chris, he always got the worst of it,,, being the youngest of the then four boys!! No wonder he was so glad when Philip was born!! I guess we shouldn't have left you guys alone!!