Thursday, October 05, 2006

Riddle me this Batman...

Why is it that when you want to go to bed early, like say 1-1:30, because you have to get up early the next morning, you suddenly find yourself on a role and not able to stop. and this despite that fact that it is now past 2:30?

Not happy with this dissapointing turn of events. Good night.
And may sleep find you easy.

1 comment:

kicking-and-singing said...

Time has a way f doing htat too us doesn't it Mike...I swear I don't know where it all goes, but when you are on a roll with something sometime sit is best to stay on that roll...
I hope you finally managed to get some rest...
I commented on the last song you posted..I really liked it..actually once I was done with my blogging for the day I actually took the time to put on some music and try to practice singing for a bit..didn't get to far as the phone rang with a request for me ot go into work early..such is hte way of things I suppose, perhaps someones way of tellin' me to just chill for awhile...
Anyway, talk to you soon..
Love Tammie