Friday, April 25, 2008

A Dieu

Well, I tried again. but I just can't do it for some odd reason.

Over the years I have tried several times to sign your guest book. I just can't do it and I really don't know why. Maybe I', still mad at you for forcing me to take that phone call in the middle of the night, or early morning as the case was. Glad it was Jason that made the call though. But I hate answering the phone in the middle of the night. Thanks Canada Student Loan people for continuing to call me in the wee hours of the am while I was in "Oz. You helped me re-live those moments regularly. (Please feel the bitterness in my voice over that one).

I don't know.

I don't even think I've been able to make a private contribution to your guest book. Man, how many ways do I suck. I don't even know what it is symbolizing for me that I can't do it. I really thought that I could today, I started typing, and then had to stop. No tears or anything like that. I accept that he has gone and is now making fun of my inability to sign a Guest Book!! (Shaking fists into the air in a good hearted fashion) Bastard!!! I'll show you when I see you again!!!

I know it's not good to speak ill of the dead, but I'm not. i'm just playing with him. And he knows it.

Jeez, I may have to stop now. I haven't welled up in a while, and I am at work so not a good time.

Bye Chris, Sorry I can't sign you off yet. But I don't think that I ever will.



Gillian said...

It's weird, I've been SO crazy busy the past few months with special projects at school, family visits to the north and the such... "the grind" as they say... But today I suddenly felt inspired to check in on all my old regulars, the blogs I used to read religiously before getting sucked into workaholism...

And today, I come upon this text. I think the cool part is your raw honesty... That's maybe the goal that I always felt Chris wanted from his friends, for them to simply be themselves around him, no hiding of flaws, but for them to be their genuine selves... Maybe he's laughing at you bro, knowing that he's got you right where he wants you, guest book recorded or not...

I can see the smirk now...
Hope you have a good weekend, snow-free and carefree...

Gillian said...

Hey Mike,
I had to get to class when I wrote your last message so I couldn't tell you this kind of neat thing (remember I totally believe things even small things happen for a reason to touch or encourage us if we are careful enough to notice them)but when I was checking out your blog I happened to be listening to a random list on iTunes. I RARELY remember to turn on the music when I am surfing so it's even more remarkable. But the song I was listening to struck me as being something special and then I looked at the title, "Orange Sky" by Alexi Murdoch... Reminds me of your mom's sunset picture that made her think of Chris... Check out the song, especially the cool lyrics...


NanNan said...

A Dieu-- so fitting!! just had to write so my link doesn't get flushed,,er- deleted!