Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Well hello there again...

An interesting thing happened to me and my wife the other day...

We applied for a credit card. We are finding ourselves needing one more and more as we wanted to rent a U-Haul to move at the end of the month, and because we didn't have one, we had to pay a $100 deposit in cash. Grrr...

So we applied for one. And the other day we got a letter in the mail from them saying that they are sorry but they don't think that we have the financial ability to handle a credit card, and that they were having problems assessing my credit history.

I know my credit history is problematic because I was in Australia for the past 7 years and therefore, because Australia (apparently) doesn't exist as a country capable of transferring or providing access to credit history of people who live there when they move overseas, I had/have no credit history. And therefore no credit card is possible.

BUT, when I was a student doing my BSc here at Dal, with no job, only a mounting student loan, I was capable of getting TWO credit cards!!! At the same time!!!! Yet now that I am Dr. Michael A. Amon, with a job, I cannot get a credit card.

What the hell!!!

I can get a mortgage for our new house, but not a stinking credit card!!

So, I will have to go elsewhere for my credit card...

Anyway, I just thought you all would like to know...

1 comment:

NanNan said...

You should have told them you were still a student!!! Aren't you?