Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Naughty chairs...

Well, Alex has started school, and I just wanted to let you know that it is going mostly well. He still likes it, but today, he was sent to the red naughty chair for doing something that I am still not really clear on. I have to rely on what he tells us, and that is not always clear cut. But, while he was on the naughty chair, he was naughty again...

He was also the first to be sent to the red naughty chair.

Well, he did better than we thought he would... He made it into the second week!


mikki said...

Wow - first one to sit on the red naughty chair! Way to go, Alex :) I wonder if they have one of those in Jamie's class... although, I imagine they'd need a whole rainbow of naughty chairs for his gang of ruffians. I can hardly believe he's in Grade 10 - seems like it wasn't that long ago when he started kindergarten. Anyway, congratulations to Alex for making it to Week #2 :)

Tuffysmom said...

The red naughty chair!!!!! Wow! Way cool....keep up the good work!
Woohoo! I love it..(even though I don't think I believe in Red Naughty Chairs!).
Anyhoo..good luck and just to cheer you up...This is just the beginning...muah hahahahahaha. (I can't do that as good as Mikki, but you get the drift).
Lots of love always
Aunt Marsha

NanNan said...

Maybe he has the "have to be first" gene ???