Monday, August 18, 2008

The let down.

All week, me and my wife have been building up my son's final 2 soccer games (he's 5 and a half) for Saturday morning. The day comes forecasting rain, and a rain day was given.

So we step out the door all set to watch some kick-a$$ soccer, and then it starts to rain... But ever so slightly. So we decide to stick it out and go. So we all get in the car, and start the drive from Dartmouth to Sackville.

As we get closer to Sackville, the rain starts to come down really heavy. So we abort because I won't be having Alex playing soccer in heavy rain. A little rain's ok, but not as heavy as it was when we were half way there. So we turned around and had a really boring morning and afternoon. Alex was upset, but he understood that there was no soccer in the rain. And me and my wife stressed to him that it's ok, we'll just play next weekend because it's too rainy right now.

So the day wanes on, we talk to some people, who talked to other people. And then found out that it didn't rain in Sackville. And we missed his final soccer games of the year. And the presentation of his trophy and medal.


Alex was upset, but Bec dealt with him. And I felt terrible. After all, it was me that abruptly turned the car around because of the heavy rain. In fact, I am still quite upset about this. I really loved watching him play soccer. I never missed a game, and I even coached / refereed one of the games that his regular coaches couldn't make. Gutted.

So we missed the whole thing. And now we will have to wait until next year.

Not happy Jan. Not happy at all.

And I'm sorry Alex.

I am truly sorry.


Tuffysmom said...

Oh the guilt...that will stay with you forever Michael..sorry to tell you that. Someday when you're over 60, you will be lying in bed, and it will wash over you...hahahahahahahahahaha.
Feel better now?

Mike said...

So... thanks for that Auntie Marsha the Beauty! You really do know how to make a guy a feel good!! :)

NanNan said...

Yup-- so the guilt begins!! Just wait until they get to be about 31 and start quoting things you didn't think were really all that bad!!
what the bloody he--? It rained cats and dogs here-- the forecast said RAIN?? So how did Lower Sackville get missed-- darn,, that means we missed it too--- don't beat yourself up too bad--I find new toys always worked in the short term,, as for long term traumatic damage,, can't say!!

mikki said...

It is just the beginning of a whole new world of guilt-ridden adventures, I'm afraid. You'll feel their pain more intensely than anything you've ever experienced for yourself. And, to top it off, years from now, they'll look at you and laugh - "What, you still feel bad for that?!" Brace yourself, Mike - there's lots more to come :)

Mike said...

You're all so supportive of my guilt. It thanks you for keeping it's existence a constant theme!